Clare is a search expert who places leaders at the CEO, Executive Director, Superintendent, Chief Functional Officer, VP and Director levels in most every corporate staff function.
Clare Cizek brings over 30 years’ experience as a seasoned search expert completing close to 500 retained executive search engagements covering the gamut of industries and functions for global, national and local clients. She also spent five years leading corporate talent acquisition and leadership development at two Fortune 500 public companies. Her clients are primarily Minnesota-based organizations from a variety of sectors.
Clare joined DHR in 2011. Her blend of retained search consulting, corporate talent acquisition and leadership development expertise enables her to serve as a trusted client advisor. She guides her clients, candidates and search teams through a confidential, thorough and customized executive search process that achieves successful outcomes in a timely manner.
Clare has expertise in recruiting executives to relocate and access her deep network to successfully onboard into client headquarters based in the Twin Cities. She earned her Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. She served a three-year term on the Minnesota Dance Theatre & Dance Institute Board and as an ad-hoc career and mock interview consultant to graduate students at the University of Minnesota.