Throughout her 40 year career in higher education, Dr. Karen Whitney has held a variety of executive and leadership positions with increasing levels of responsibility beginning as a Director to Associate Vice President, Vice Chancellor, President, and System Chancellor. Karen is also a nationally recognized organizational and leadership development writer, speaker, consultant and advisor. She holds a doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin in Higher Education Administration and is a certified coach through the Center for Executive Coaching.
After a very accomplished career as a leader and executive in higher education, Karen is now passionately focused on working with other leaders, executives and board members to ensure their success in service to their students and institutions. In working with every leader to succeed, Karen’s approach is to combine a proven track-record of higher education leadership with a variety of engagement approaches, including advising, consulting, coaching, facilitating and training. Drawing on her vast experience at every level of leadership, she customizes an individual structured process to ensure each leader achieves professional and institutional results.