Zsolt Szijarto


Zsolt Szijarto

Zsolt Szijarto has worked in a number of different executive positions at large and mid-size companies (Reuters/Thomson, Lagardere, Antenna Hungary, Provice) for more than 25 years. As an agile specialist, he has several years of experience in trade/sales, business development and consulting at multinational and domestic companies.

Zsolt has a deep knowledge and wide network in the media, telecom, finance and automotive industries. During his career, he has managed various sizes of projects from 100 000 dollars up to 10 million dollars. Zsolt has solid experience in creating and managing organisation and strategy development.

In the last ten years he has worked as a managing director at Kecskemét and Western Hungary Local Economic Development Ltd. Identifying innovative, creative approaches and improved solutions to business challenges are activities that inspire and motivate. Results orientation, structured problem solving, cooperation and motivation are the framework of his professional work.

Zsolt believes that fresh perspectives and trying out new techniques will help an organization to develop. As a team player, he works with his colleagues closely and looks for ways to integrate his innovative suggestions. Zsolt believes in the power of community and cooperation, which can solve seemingly impossible tasks.

  • Human Resources
  • Information/Digital
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Research & Develop.