Sheri Michaels


Sheri Michaels

Sheri Michaels is a Partner in our New York office. She is well-known in the industry among partners, general counsels and associates, and is regularly called upon to provide guidance and advice regarding the nuances of the lateral market.

Through her years in legal search, Sheri has earned the confidence, trust and respect of her law firm and in-house clients in addition to that of her candidates. She is seen as a strategic advisor to both sides of the table. Through deeper and more meaningful conversation, Sheri is able to learn about the client’s underlying business and hiring objectives, as well as their unique, internal culture. By establishing these relationships, Sheri is able to successfully create an effective search strategy tailored to the specific needs of each client. As a result of her developed expertise, Sheri has a proven reputation for matching her clients hiring objectives with appropriately identified attorneys.

For her candidates, Sheri has an earned an outstanding reputation for understanding their individual career and business goals. Sheri regularly counsels attorneys in their career planning and is their strongest advocate in helping each candidate uniquely achieve their career objectives.

Sheri’s premier reputation in legal recruiting extends to the career services offices of our nation’s leading law schools. She is a regular presenter at Columbia Law School, Harvard Law School and Yale Law School, facilitating seminars focused on providing the next generation of attorneys with a framework for their future career development. Through these programs, Sheri has become an invaluable resource to each academic institution and their respective student bodies and alumni.