Susan Faraone

Senior Consultant

Susan Faraone

Susan Faraone, Senior Consultant, has worked in higher education institutions for much of her 30-year career, leading strategic and campaign planning, front-line fundraising teams, prospect development (research, analytics and prospect management), advancement operations, donor relations, and stewardship. She held leadership roles in the design, planning, and execution of comprehensive fundraising campaigns ranging in goal from $250 million to $2 billion. A hallmark of her campaign direction is to bring together prospect research, prospect management, and analytics teams in a coordinated effort with front-line staff and institutional leadership to expand prospect pools and increase the effectiveness of fundraising at all levels.

Susan believes passionately in the power of good planning to create successful fundraising organizations, and she has used her planning expertise and facilitation skills to create buy-in and foster inspiration among groups small and large, including her own fundraising teams, university-wide staff organizations, alumni and trustee boards, and academic leaders.

Susan is a member of APRA (the Association for Professional Researchers in Advancement) and AASP (the Association of Advancement Service Professionals). Currently a member of APRA’s Nominations and Leadership Development Committee, she served on the APRA Board of Directors from 2009-2012. She has presented at conferences organized by APRA, CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education), and the AMA (American Marketing Association). She holds a BA from Binghamton University and an MS from Boston University’s College of Communication.