Sarah Sullivan

Senior Director & Chair of Women & Diversity Practice

Sarah Sullivan

Sarah Sullivan is a Senior Director and Chair of the Women & Diversity Practice at BarkerGilmore. She specializes in guiding top legal and compliance professionals through the process of making major career moves. Sarah has a proven track record of transitioning these leaders into some of the country’s most influential in-house and compliance positions. She frequently engages in large, confidential General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer searches.

Sarah’s notable recent placements include the General Counsel of a Fortune 500 healthcare company, General Counsel of a prominent publicly traded REIT, General Counsel of an esteemed private equity owned company preparing to restructure its C-Suite prior to going public, and Chief Compliance Officer of a well-known private company. Additionally, she placed the Chief Compliance Officer of a transportation and healthcare company and spearheaded a large-scale build-out of the compliance department at a Fortune 1000 financial services company.

Before joining BarkerGilmore, Sarah was an internal search consultant for Fortune 500 energy company PG&E and later joined the human resources office at the University of Rochester.

Sarah established BarkerGilmore’s Women & Diversity Practice in 2008, largely based on her recognition of the value that diversity brings to executive management teams. She is a committed advocate for advancement of women and minority candidates into senior leadership roles and leads BarkerGilmore’s mission to deliver diverse fields of highly qualified candidates for every search assignment.

Sarah actively participates in the Minority Corporate Counsel Association’s annual conference and engages in in-depth discussions surrounding diversity issues, themes, and trends. She remains committed to supporting diversity in the workplace and her insights on this topic have been quoted in publications such as InsideCounsel.

Sarah earned her B.A., cum laude, from Hobart & William Smith College and her J.D. from Syracuse University. She also attended the University of Melbourne and later the London School of Economics while clerking for a prestigious English barrister.