Sterling Martin Associates Places New Leaders at Denver-Based Non-Profits

November 15, 2017 – The non-profit sector has gained economic strength in recent years, making it the third largest employer in the country. Nearly two million not-for-profits employ 10.7 million people and produce $1.9 trillion in revenue. In the past decade, employment in the sector grew by 17 percent. With demand for non-profit talent at an all-time high, search firms have plenty of work looking for candidates.

Executive search firm Sterling Martin Associates recently placed new executive directors at Denver-based non-profits, the Obesity Medicine Association and the United States Society on Dams (USSD). Managing partner David S. Martin led both searches along with senior recruiter Leigh Beal.

Obesity Medicine Association

The Obesity Medicine Association search focused on finding an individual with leadership skills who was also an excellent communicator and relationship-builder. The ultimate choice was Claudia Randall, who has two decades of experience in the healthcare and non-profit industry.

Ms. Randall has contributed to the growth of some of the nation’s largest healthcare non-profit organizations and recently worked as the director of marketing and communications for the National Stroke Association (NSA), said Sterling Martin. She has also held positions with the Medical Group Management Association, the Association of Preoperative Registered Nurses, and other non-profit and commercial organizations.

“Claudia’s enthusiasm is palpable,” said Dr. Wendy Scinta, president of OMA. “We know she will apply her dedicated and transformative leadership style and her passion for delivering member value to the executive director position at the Obesity Medicine Association.”

The group is the largest organization of clinicians dedicated to preventing, treating and reversing obesity.

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United States Society on Dams

USSD, meanwhile, was looking for someone who had executive leadership and management experience with diverse and decentralized global non-profit associations or other relevant executive leadership and management experience. Sterling Martin helped recruit Sharon Powers to fill the organization’s executive director role.

Most recently, Ms. Powers served as director of administration for the American Water Works Association in Denver. Before that, she was president and CEO of the North Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Powers has extensive experience in strategic planning, communications, operations, government relations, public relations and marketing.

“Sharon quickly rose to the top, with her intelligence, work ethic, experience and congenial nature,” said Denise Bunte-Bisnett, USSD’s secretary and treasurer. “The USSD board of directors is looking forward to working with her as USSD continues to further the dam and levee profession through our four strategic imperatives: advocate, educate, cultivate and collaborate.”

Established in 1930, USSD is dedicated to the science of planning, designing, constructing, operating and maintaining dams, levees and associated civil works. Its members focus on advancing awareness and understanding of dam and levee systems by building communities of practice through a common mission to advocate, educate, collaborate and cultivate.

Non-Profit Specialists

Sterling Martin Associates, which was started in 2006, focuses on finding leaders for associations and non-profit organizations. Over the last eleven years, the firm has been engaged by nearly 200 clients throughout the U.S. Its staff includes 15 professionals located in Washington, D.C., New York, San Francisco and Orange County, CA.

The firm recently recruited executive directors for the Chemical Educational Foundation, the Society for Cardiac Angiography and Interventions, the Texas Society of Association Executives and the Texas Society of CPAs. It also filled CEO roles for the Maryland Food Bank and the American Rental Association. Currently, Sterling Martin is seeking new leaders for Easter Seals Serving DC, the Pennsylvania Apartment Association East, Associated Subcontractors of Massachusetts and InsideNGO.

David Martin, the firm’s managing partner, has three decades of professional experience in national executive search, non-profit leadership and with Georgia-Pacific Corporation. Prominent non-profit clients have included AARP, American Association for the Advancement of Science, National Association of Broadcasters, National Association of Children’s Hospitals, Society for Human Resource Management, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Sister Cities International. He has conducted searches for a broad range of executive leadership positions at the C-suite level, including president and CEO roles, executive directors and chief operating officers.

Contributed by Scott A. Scanlon, Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; Stephen Sawicki, Managing Editor; and Will Schatz, Managing Editor – Hunt Scanlon Media

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