David Heron


David Heron

David is Group CEO of Wilton & Bain Group, and the founding Partner of WBMS. He joined the Group in 2011, as part of a diversification strategy to grow the company across “product, geography and customer” and has been an influential member of the Group leadership team that has seen the firm grow significantly during the period.

He was made Group CEO, following the completion of an MBO, backed by Beechbrook Capital in May 2017. Prior to this, David was Head of the TMT practice for a top 3 UK interim provider, and previously he established, and then ran the Interim Management business for Badenoch & Clark.

David’s particular expertise, and passion is in helping clients to think creatively around how to resource their key challenges, and in working with Senior Executives, to scope out, and deliver major transformation programmes, typically with a strong digital/commercial bias to them.

  • CEO/President