Sovereign Wealth

<p>More than 40 new sovereign wealth funds have been established since 2005 — a period that also coincides with these state-owned funds expanding their investment horizons to vehicles such as private equity, infrastructure, and a variety of other real assets. Egon Zehnder’s global scope (68 offices across 40 countries) and established prominence in asset management allow us to partner closely with you in this sector.</p> <p>Because our consultants are hired directly from the financial services industry, we understand the need to balance the demands of public ownership and responsibility as well as the financial mandate for strong long-run investment returns. Our more than 450 consultants worldwide are able to cast a wide net to identify the best talent for investment leadership roles as well as critical functional and research positions, while also possessing the local knowledge to assist with challenges such as regulation, talent assessment, and succession planning.</p> <p>It’s our global interconnectedness that sets us apart, enabled by a unique collaborative model that assures our clients access to the best and most relevant expertise — regardless of where it resides. We at Egon Zehnder welcome the opportunity to demonstrate how your investment team can experience true partnership.</p>