Higher Education Leadership Search Seeks Dean for Auburn University at Montgomery

September 8, 2020 – Higher Education Leadership Search has been selected by Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) in Alabama to lead the search for a dean for its college of sciences. Consultant Alan Medders is heading the assignment.
The dean serves as the chief academic and administrative officer of the college and reports directly to AUM’s provost and senior vice chancellor, said the Anniston, AL-based recruitment firm.
“The ideal candidate is an innovative, energetic individual, with demonstrated leadership skills, a terminal degree, and record of scholarly work sufficient to qualify for tenure in the college at the rank of professor in one of the college’s five departments: biology and environmental science, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and psychology,” said the search firm. Familiarity with all the disciplines in the college of sciences is required.
Candidates should have a proven record of envisioning, developing and sustaining innovative programs that foster excellence in teaching, research and service, said the search firm. It is important that they possess a demonstrated capacity to stimulate growth in recruitment and retention of students. Understanding of the future trajectory of academia as it pertains to the departments within the college is also critical.
Leadership Development
AUM wants a dean with a strong commitment to undergraduate and graduate education with an emphasis on excellence in teaching, research and scholarship. Prospects must have a strong commitment to fostering leadership development within the college while upholding the vision and mission of the university. Also necessary is a demonstrated ability to identify, recruit and retain strong faculty.
Higher Education Leadership Search said that candidates should further show a demonstrated ability to connect the college with important areas of opportunity within the university. They must also have the ability to effectively collaborate and communicate with multiple constituencies and enable partnerships with other colleges and universities, government agencies, stakeholders and corporations. A track record of successful fundraising with a talent for identifying and cultivating entrepreneurial opportunities would also be beneficial.
Additional qualifications include: experience and efficiency in managing a large or multi-faceted budget; a demonstrated record of commitment to the diversity of students, faculty and staff and to advancing an inclusive climate that stimulates excellence; and strong communication skills with a commitment to openness, collaboration and shared decision-making.
Auburn University at Montgomery is a fully accredited comprehensive, public university with a diverse student population that includes a blend of traditional and non-traditional learners awarded degrees in a variety of disciplines from its programs. Created by an act of the Alabama legislature signed into law by its governor in 1967, AUM operates under the authority of the Auburn University board of trustees and guidance of the Auburn University president.
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The college of sciences is one of AUM’s most comprehensive and diverse academic units in terms of its inventory of degree offerings. The college has about 50 full-time faculty, 40 adjunct faculty and more than 1,100 students. Master’s degrees are offered in psychology, computer science, computer information systems and cybersecurity, and geographic information systems.
Respected Recruiters
Higher Education Leadership offers what it describes as a new model of higher education search: matching talented candidates with distinguished positions in the most cost-effective, streamlined and efficient manner. With search consultants from a variety of academic and administrative positions, the firm offers universities and candidates a variety of services: profile development, position advertising, candidate support and recruiting, facilitation of the interview process, as well as complete internet and social-media vetting.
Higher Education Leadership Seeks President for Southeastern Oklahoma State University
The Regional University System of Oklahoma (RUSO) Board of Regents has selected Anniston, AL-based Higher Education Leadership Search to find a new president for Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Sean Burrage recently stepped down. Consultants Bill Meehan and Alan Medders are leading the assignment. “We are seeking someone who understands the diverse and dynamic academic environment and connects with our multiple stakeholders,” said Susan Winchester, RUSO regent chair.
Dr. Medders was previously president of Myers McRae Executive Search, serving as consultant on over 30 public and private institutional searches for academic affairs, advancement and business and finance vice presidents, advancement officers, academic deans and directors, state and national executive directors, nursing and cybersecurity faculty. During his academic career, Dr. Medders served as vice president for advancement at Columbus State University (CSU) and executive director of the CSU Foundation, vice president for university advancement at the University of North Alabama (UNA) and executive director of the UNA Foundation, and vice president of development at Campbellsville University in Kentucky.
Earlier this summer, Higher Education Leadership Search placed the new dean of the college of business, K. Russell Jones, for Arkansas Tech University (ATU). “Dr. Jones is an experienced academician and administrator who is diverse in his areas of study and expertise,” said Barbara Johnson, ATU’s vice president for academic affairs. “He possesses a wealth of experience and will be a valued addition to our university community. We are pleased to have the opportunity to welcome him to Arkansas Tech University.”
Dr. Jones joined ATU from Arkansas State University (ASU), where he served as the Kathy White Professor of Management Information Systems since 2006. His previous roles at ASU included chair of accounting and computer information technology, online MBA degree coordinator, associate professor of decision sciences and assistant professor of computer information science. He also has experience as a lecturer at the University of Caen in France and the University of Otago in New Zealand.
Related: Why Universities Have Stepped Up Efforts to Involve Search Firms
Contributed by Scott A. Scanlon, Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; and Stephen Sawicki, Managing Editor – Hunt Scanlon Media