3 Reasons For Job Seekers to Work with a Recruiter

May 9, 2023 – Whether you’ve been recently laid off or you’ve finally decided that you need to leave your current company, the idea of launching a job search can seem daunting. Between sending out countless resumes, dealing with constant rejections, preparing for interviews, and struggling through salary negotiations, it’s no wonder that so many people put off job hunting until their situations become dire.
In addition, the employment scene is tightening. Amid a rapidly changing economy and recent reports of widespread layoffs, workers are now facing growing uncertainty and instability in the job market. As job growth slows and available opportunities decrease, job seekers are seeing fewer choices and growing competition.
Working with a professional recruiter alleviates a lot of the stress of the job-search process, and in a vast majority of cases, yields better results, says executive search firm FPC National in a new report. “And best of all, working with most recruiters is free (for the job seeker),” said the search firm. “Even if you’ve had success in the past landing a job on your own, you will soon find that times have changed, and the process has become far more complicated.”
In its report, FPC offers three key reasons to partner with a recruiter to land your next job:
Access to Hidden Opportunities
“As an independent job seeker, you have access to the same job openings as everyone else,” said the search firm. “This is why it’s not unusual for companies to receive hundreds of applications for a single job opening. When you apply through a job board, your resume often lands in a database, unseen by human eyes. You have to hope that your resume has the exact magic keywords to get noticed by an HR screener. For anyone who has gone through this process, you know how confusing and frustrating it can be.”
Recruiters, however, have cultivated relationships with hiring managers, which gives them exclusive access to openings that never appear on job boards. Once you find a recruiter who specializes in your industry and profession, you have an inside track to job openings that you never would have found on your own.
Plus, it’s up to the recruiter to assess your background and vet you for key opportunities, so you know you are in a much stronger position when it comes time for your interview.
Professional Guidance
It’s easy to get confused about the application process. Recruiters understand what employers are seeking and can guide you until you land the right job. Good recruiters will coach you in every aspect of your job search, including resume writing, LinkedIn profile development, and interviewing techniques.
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“Because recruiters have personal connections with hiring managers and an in-depth understanding of the job market, they are in a perfect position to advise you in all areas of your job search,” said FPC. “They eliminate a lot of the guesswork and give you valuable, actionable guidance to make sure you present your best self to prospective employers. After all, their success is based on your success. They have a vested interest in helping you find a great job quickly.”
Recruiters also give you timely feedback on where you stand during the application process. You no longer have to deal with ghosting or lengthy delays after an interview to find out if you got the job, said the search firm. Recruiters are in constant communication with hiring managers and let you know exactly where you stand following an interview.
Salary Negotiation Support
Job seekers are at a tremendous disadvantage when it comes to salary negotiation. Most applicants will negotiate a salary with an employer once every few years (or even a decade or two), and they are negotiating against experienced HR professionals who do this for a living. “Hiring executives are used to playing the game and are experts at negotiating with job seekers,” said FPC. “They even take classes in effective negotiating strategies. Let’s face it, the deck is stacked against the job seeker in this process.”
But recruiters serve as a go-between during negotiations. “Of course, their job is to balance the expectations of the company with the needs of the job seeker, but your recruiter’s goal is to get you the salary you deserve,” said FPC National. “In addition, recruiters understand that salary is only one component of your total compensation plan. Benefits, work environment, and other perks are all on the table during the negotiation process.”
Lake Success, NY-based FPC National is a national executive search firm comprised of more than 65 independently franchised offices. Founded in 1959, FPC offers job seekers access to its nationwide network of professional executive recruiters and job opportunities in over 40 different industries and 40 different disciplines.
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Contributed by Scott A. Scanlon, Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; and Stephen Sawicki, Managing Editor – Hunt Scanlon Media