Jay Meschke


Jay Meschke

As President of EFL Associates and CBIZ Talent & Compensation Solutions, Meschke has completed nearly 700 successful senior-level search assignments in the financial services, nonprofit, technology, aerospace, energy, agribusiness/food, manufacturing, and professional services industries. These searches include positions such as president/CEO, COO, CFO, CIO, CHRO, and board members.

Meschke launched his career in Texas with one of the country’s 25 largest banks. Subsequently, he joined two banking franchises in Kansas City, one as its Chief Lending Officer/Minority Owner and another as President. Both institutions were successfully sold to NASDAQ traded companies.

During his 25-year history in the executive search field, Meschke has achieved milestones that place him in the top one percent of all search consultants, nationwide. Routinely sought after as a subject matter expert in the field of talent management, he has been quoted in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report, CNN.com, Fortune.com, Human Resource Executive, Employee Benefit News, SHRM.org, and Business Week.

He is a contributing American Management Association blogger and has been a guest speaker/panelist for distinguished associations or groups such as the National Association of Corporate Directors, the Society of Corporate Secretaries, Game on Business Talk Radio, and the Society for Human Resource Management.

Highly active in civic and philanthropic pursuits, Meschke served as chair of KCPT Public Television, the University of Kansas School of Business Board of Advisors, and the Shawnee Mission Medical Center Foundation, plus as a board member of the Kansas Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Shawnee Mission Educational Foundation. Meschke was an instructor for the Kauffman Foundation’s FastTrac Entrepreneur’s Program and continues to serve on the boards of the University of Kansas School of Business, Shawnee Mission Medical Center Foundation, and the Enterprise Center of Johnson County, a venture development organization as its immediate past chairman.