Hiring for Cultural Fit? Here’s What You Should Know

October 23, 2018 – Working with talent acquisition and HR leaders, you often hear this: “We hire for cultural fit, first and foremost.” But what does that mean, and how is that fit assessed? “Well, sometimes it’s whatever a hiring manager wants it to mean and that can be a big issue, leading to poor hiring decisions fraught with bias or even legal liability,” said Nick Misener in a new report by recruiting firm David Alpin Group.
“Properly defined corporate culture and values can empower employers to make faster and better hiring decisions,” he noted. “Before I go too far, let me clarify that I’m not definitively saying cultural fit is more important than targets, results, capabilities, competencies and performance. Hiring can be complex process that requires the assessment and weighing of multiple criteria. However, fit itself is a significant factor in that equation.” So where do you start?
“First, you should look at why hiring for cultural fit is important for your organization,” Mr. Misener said. “Stakeholder buy-in or sponsorship is essential in this process. I think most companies and organizations can agree that if an employee’s values and motivations don’t align with their own, it can become a big issue. Alternatively, strong cultural fit can inspire performance and increase loyalty.”
A study conducted by The University of Iowa confirms that employees who fit well with their organization, coworkers, and management have greater job satisfaction, less turnover and higher on-the-job performance. “So, it’s not exactly ground breaking stuff when we talk about the importance of cultural fit,” the report said. “Drilling down into this makes business sense.”
What Is Cultural Fit?
What is culture fit? This is the question that employers should ask, and make decisive efforts to define. Broadly speaking, cultural fit means that an employee’s beliefs and behaviors are in alignment with their employer’s core values and company culture. For each company that can mean something inherently different.
Nick Misener focuses on recruiting for information technology positions throughout Atlantic Canada. He brings over three years of recruitment and HR experience to this role. Prior to joining David Aplin Group, Mr. Misener worked in multiple industries with a focus on high-volume recruitment, most recently having led the talent acquisition efforts of a high-growth tech start-up.
“Culture in a workplace comes about in two distinct ways,” said Mr. Misener. “Sometimes, it’s deliberately defined, nurtured and protected at the conception of the organization and refined over time. More commonly, culture comes about unintentionally as a collective sum of the beliefs, experiences and behaviors of those on the team. Either way, your organization will have a culture – for better or worse,” he said. “If you are a leader in your organization, you should take control of your destiny and ensure your company and its employees are moving in the same direction. As mentioned above, it makes business sense and helps you select the right people when building your team.”
Related: Five Things to Consider When Creating a Company Culture
Hiring for cultural fit starts with being able to clearly articulate what the organizational culture is. What are the aligned values, beliefs, behaviors and experiences that make up the organization’s environment? Some organizations will approve the creation of a company mission statement and company values. Mr. Misener noted that a poorly defined culture, or a definition that doesn’t match reality is equally problematic.
It is important to reflect, therefore, and ask yourself these questions:
- Does the culture you articulated match reality or is it wishful thinking?
- Are your company values actionable or do they live in an employee handbook / on a plaque on a wall?
- Do they influence business decisions and bring people together or are they essentially lip service?
Culture Seen As Top Advantage When Recruiting Talent
Futurestep revealed results of an executive survey on what gives companies a competitive advantage when recruiting top talent. Organizational culture was seen as ranking highest among more than 1,000 responses to the global survey.
“If the answers to any of the above questions make you pause, there’s likely a misalignment between what you said your culture was compared to what exists – and that causes strain,” Mr. Misener said. “You’ll bring on the wrong people and potentially turn away the right people for your business. Your hiring decisions, policy and direction as a company will be, more than likely, inconsistent or worse.”
Related: Culture and Brand Seen As Top Advantages When Recruiting Talent
If culture isn’t defined, or the definition does not match reality, cultural fit can start to mean different things, or simply: ‘Are they like me?’ This can lead to discriminatory bias against candidates based on a number of factors including ethnicity, religion and socioeconomic lines, the report said. This results in a problematic lack of diversity.
Hiring for Cultural Fit Doesn’t Mean Hiring All Similar People
The cultural values and behaviors that drive an organization can and should be reflected in a varied and distinct workforce. “When you have a defined values-driven culture, you can bring people with diverse skillsets and backgrounds together through a sense of shared purpose,” Mr. Misener said. “This is a pragmatic and human centric approach to building high performing and inclusive teams – in fact, within organizations that value innovation and creativity, more diverse teams outperform less diverse ones.”
CHRO Influence Expands in Promoting Corporate Diversity
Plenty of organizations say they are looking to change the makeup of their workforce in terms of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and age, but in the end many fall far short. It’s 2018, and the view from the C-suite and boardroom still looks nothing like the ethnically and racially diverse world outside.
A lack of diversity in terms of thought or backgrounds can lead to teams that are overconfident, make poor ethical decisions and are less successful, the search firm noted. “This is why recruiting great people is such an essential part of running great businesses,” it noted.
Powerful When It’s Done Right
So how is that accomplished? “When an organization has a well-defined culture and values it needs to implement fair and open assessments which allow candidates to reveal their values and beliefs,” said Mr. Misener. “There are myriad ways we reveal who we are, but in many ways humans are products of their past experiences – both professional and personal. Organizations that have defined their company’s culture can use their values as a starting point.”
Related: Why Your Culture Is Your Brand
As an example, if innovation is one of your organization’s cultural hallmarks, ensuring that potential candidates are creative and have a track record of thriving in similarly innovative environments will be imperative. “This is a key signal of culture fit,” Mr. Misener said. “This doesn’t mean that only people who come from creative agencies, have an arts degree or have one particular set of experiences are innovative. The best hiring managers know that creativity and innovation could just as easily be found in a candidate with a corporate background who has spent the last two years working at a financial institute.”
“However, you need to have a process that uncovers these key competencies,” he noted. “Does your interview ask questions that are tied to these values? Do your assessments of past work or references identify how your candidates have acted upon their values in the past?”
Something else to be mindful of is that experiences outside of work, including education, volunteering and hobbies can be relevant to career opportunities – “we need to recognize that we continue to learn new skills beyond our time spent at work,” Mr. Misener said. “Through practical skills tests, reviews of past work and genuine conversation, employers can uncover defining traits of candidates and determine if they align with their organizations. When this is achieved, you can form a genuine connection between employee and employer,” he added. “This connection is when cultural fit becomes a powerful means on which to assess talent, and that connection is one that organizations should aspire to form through progressive hiring methods.”
Related: The Idea of Cultural Fit Might Be More Myth than Reality
Contributed by Scott A. Scanlon, Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; Stephen Sawicki, Managing Editor; and Andrew W. Mitchell, Managing Editor – Hunt Scanlon Media