James W. Thompson

Senior Partner

Dr. Jim Thompson is a Senior Partner with Kingsley Gate Partners and leads the Organizational and Business Psychology practice for the firm worldwide. He has been in the consulting industry for 33 years. His specialty is applied research and he has developed many instruments that are key to assisting companies in executive evaluation and placement, organizational assessment and strategic planning including Leadership Style Indicator®, the HiPerOrg Survey®, ProStyle®, and the Developmental Opportunity Identifier®. At Kingsley Gate Partners, he has led the design and development of our Synchronous Fit tools and applications. Dr. Thompson plans and facilitates strategic planning conferences and team problem solving, as well as workshops for executives and their teams .He developed a selection services trade-marked QualiFit® Systems including a database of position success profiles that allow more objective selection of key personnel based on unique empirical models developed for specific positions. He was an Officer in the Air Force, Army, and Navy Reserve as a clinical psychologist and organizational effectiveness staff officer and helped an Army unit screen and select candidates for sniper training. He also was the Director of Leadership and Organizational Development for a large public power company.