Executive Search Veteran Stephanie Pinson Dies

Executive Search Veteran Stephanie Pinson Dies

June 18, 2018 – Stephanie Pinson, president of executive search firm Gilbert Tweed International, has died.

Ms. Pinson, born May 23, 1936, had been with the New York City-based recruitment provider since 1981 and was a member of its board of directors. She had in-depth experience as a search consultant to the highly complex insurance industry, where she specialized in change management. She also performed significant work with consumer goods and merchandising companies as well as the instrumentation and medical device industries, bringing with her a thorough background in sales, marketing, R&D, engineering and concurrent manufacturing processes.

Ms. Pinson was the director of Gilbert Tweed’s transit and transportation practice and government services practice, having consulted to large and small authorities, aviation and other transportation providers and their global suppliers, as well as to the departments of the interior and transportation. In all cases, she created unique solutions to complex senior staffing problems within all functional areas.

Active in industry and community affairs, Ms. Pinson represented Gilbert Tweed at the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), where she served as vice chair-business members and is a past-chair of the Business Member Board of Governors (BMBG). During her tenure with the BMBG, she was named APTA’s “Outstanding Business Member.” Ms. Pinson is a graduate of Douglass College and qualified for her Ph.D. at Rutgers University where she taught English literature for several years.

“The BMBG honored Stephanie through an APTF (American Public Transportation Foundation) Scholarship at the BMBG meeting last January,” said Jeff Wharton, chair APTA Business Member Board of Governors. “She has been an inspiration for many of us and a change-agent for the transit industry. The BMBG workforce development committee was formed as a result of Stephanie’s ‘Sputnik’ working group initiative to refocus on our workforce.”

“I am humbled and honored to have known and worked with Stephanie,” said David L Turney, CEO and founding principal EEI Strategic Consulting LLC. “She was a trail-blazer. I am proud to have nominated her to the BMBG organization and subsequently to chair of the BMBG; through that she went on, as the first woman chair of the BMBG, to serve the business members in the transit industry in many capacities for many years.”

“Chair of the BMBG is just one of many examples of her distinguished career and service,” he said. “It is simply amazing that a large percentage of the Transit Agency CEOs owe a heartfelt note of appreciation to Stephanie for having recruited them to top management positions in transit agencies.”

Contributed by Scott A. Scanlon, Editor-in-Chief; Dale M. Zupsansky, Managing Editor; Stephen Sawicki, Managing Editor; and Andrew W. Mitchell, Managing Editor – Hunt Scanlon Media

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