Executive Search Partners is a U.S. based recruiting company that specializes in Information Technology related searches. The firm has been in business since 2002 and are recognized by Forbes as one of the top IT search firms in the country.
Executive Search Partners was formed by and is run by former Chief Information Officers. Each of them “grew up” in IT and understands in detail what it takes to be successful at all levels.
The firm has each functioned as individual technical contributors, middle-level managers and senior executives responsible for IT operations, tactics and strategy. They utilize this unparalleled depth of knowledge and experience while working with customers to first specify the exact requirements for each position and then thoroughly screen potential candidates.
Executive Search Partners understands Information Technology. Executive Search Partners has offices in North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana and Michigan.
Executive Search Partners was formed by and is run by former Chief Information Officers. Each of them “grew up” in IT and understands in detail what it takes to be successful at all levels.
Executive Search Partners is a U.S. based recruiting company that specializes in Information Technology related searches. The firm has been in business since 2002 and are recognized by Forbes as one of the top IT search firms in the country.
On April 23, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) issued a new rule that bans non-compete clauses for workers across all industries, with limited exceptions. The rule will prohibit most employee non-compete agreements with retroactive effect, except existing non-compete provisions. The rule also requires employers to notify workers, including former employees, that the non-compete clauses are no longer in
Reskilling has been a simmering hot topic for the past several years, especially as it applies to professional and technical skills. But the past year and a half may go down as the great shake-up for leadership skills, according to executive search consultants. Traditional leader skill-sets (including communication), which could once be mastered, now need
The Conference Board forecasts that weaknesses emerging in some parts of the economy will intensify and grow more diffuse over the coming months, leading to a recession. This outlook is associated with numerous factors, including, persistent inflation, Federal Reserve hawkishness, dampened bank lending amid the banking crisis, reduced government spending due to the debt ceiling deal,
Like every year, there were searches that caught the entire recruitment industry’s eye, and left competitors a bit envious that they had not won the assignment. Our story about TurnkeyZRG’s placement of Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker, nearing the end of his last term in office, as the new head of the National Collegiate Athletic Association
ATLANTA, GA, May 17, 2017 — Executive Search Partners, an information technology focused recruiting company, has been ranked by Forbes among America’s best Executive Recruiting firms, according to the newly released Forbes 2017 list. Executive Search Partners was selected on the basis of results from an extensive independent peer review survey, conducted and tabulated by Forbes. Working with
ATLANTA, GA, October 31, 2014 — Executive Search Partners, a leading executive search firm specializing in information technology recruiting announced that Bill Rogers has joined the firm as its new Partner. Drawing on an extensive career in the Information Technology realm, in which he held CIO positions with several Fortune 500 companies, Rogers is responsible for building Executive
12 Steps for a Highly Successful Job Search
Sample Resume
In the Media:
CIO Leadership: HMG Strategy Rockets to #1 in Virtual Events for CIOs, CISOs and Technology Executives: Next Up – Virtual CIO Summits in Dallas, Florida and Southern California
How To Find C-Level Job During The Pandemic
Conversation With Exec. Recruiter, Diva Tech Talk And MCWT, Concrete Toboggan Team, MI Pure Med Greenhouse