John Murdock

Senior Partner

John Murdock

John W Murdock is a Partner with Executive Search Partners specializing in senior Information Technology appointments. Murdock, like all ESP partners, distinctively draws on his thirty years of experience as a former IT executive and leader.

Having successfully acquired, built, and delivered business enabling solutions and services to large multinational Insurance and Banking companies. Such as CIO, VP and Board member at GMAC Insurance; VP IT for First Union (Wells Fargo); VP IT for Huntington Bank; and President for Systems Task Group, Intl (Majesco).

Since Murdock “grew up” in IT, and then effectively transitioned to executive search, he understands what it takes at all levels with providing the best senior IT professionals to hiring executives. Murdock is member of SIM Charlotte, and advisor to SIM’s Members in Transition group.

John holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from Michigan State University, attended various IT and Executive Management programs throughout his career. Yet his tenure as leader and manager of people processes and technology have provided his greatest lessons and accomplishments.