DHR International Fills Post at DWHP

October 26, 2010 – DHR International has placed William Tella as executive in residence (EIR) with DW Healthcare Partners (DWHP). Keith Giarman, president of the firm’s venture capital & private equity practice, and Bart Penfold, managing director of DHR's San Francisco office, co-led the search. Mr. Tella formerly served as president of Curative Specialty Pharmacy. "Our goal is to fully support private equity firms in all facets of recruiting and talent management," said Mr. Giarman, "We have built a program to do so which we are deploying with DWHP in the market. This includes proactive talent management from inception of the investment thesis through term sheet and transaction and ultimately in extracting real value and producing real returns for the general partnership and their limited partners. We are in a new world where the need for executive level expertise, especially in fast changing industries like healthcare, is more pronounced than ever before." DW Healthcare Partners is a private equity firm focused exclusively on the healthcare industry. Founded in 1989, DHR International is headquartered in Chicago and has more than 50 offices worldwide.

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