Amrop Hever Group Elects Chairman

July 2, 2009 – Global executive search firm The Amrop Hever Group has elected Ulrich Dade from its German office as its chairman. With over 20 years experience in the executive search industry, Mr. Dade is a recognized executive recruiter who has a long track record of conducting senior level assignments for major client organizations, buyers of executive search and human capital services. Mr. Dade previously served as the Amrop Hever Group’s chairman from 2001 to 2003, as vice chair for EMEA and as a member of the Group’s Advisory Board. He handles assignments in the automotive, engineering, media, retail and health. The Amrop Hever Group also announced the appointment of Pri Notowidigdo (Indonesia), Fredy Hausammann (Switzerland) and Roberto Hall Espinoza (Columbia) to Amrop Hever’s board of directors.

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