Women Still Absent In Boardrooms Says Catalyst

January 14, 2015 – Women hold 19.2 percent of S&P 500 board seats in the U. S. and 20.8 percent of S&P/TSX 60 board seats in Canada, according to 2014 Catalyst Census: Women Board Directors. In Europe, women’s share of board seats range from 7.9 percent in Portugal (PSI-20 index) to 18.5 percent in Germany (DAX index) to 22.8 percent in the U.K. (FTSE 100 index) to 35.5 percent in Norway (OBX index). In Asia-Pacific, the statistics are even dimmer: 3.1 percent in Japan (TOPIX Core 30 index), 9.5 percent in India (BSE 200 index) and 19.2 percent in Australia (S&P/ASX 200 index). “We have evidence and optimism that closing the gender gap on corporate boards is possible, yet the current numbers are simply not good enough,” said Deborah Gillis, president and CEO of Catalyst. “Companies that are not making diversity on boards a priority should be embarrassed. Smart leaders know that they can either lead the movement toward making profound and lasting impact, or be left behind. The way of the past is not the way of the future.” Created in partnership with The Data Morphosis Group, the new and expanded census focuses on women’s share of board seats at stock market index companies across three regions and 20 countries, including the U.S., Canada, Europe (14 countries), and Asia-Pacific (Australia, Hong Kong, India, and Japan).

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