Winners Announced In Canaan Ridge’s Exceptional Thinking Forum
April 28, 2010 – Obtaining honest feedback from all your constituents – not just your clients – is essential to continuous performance improvement in executive search, and that’s the winning idea submitted by Douglas R. Allen, EVP at DHR International, and Joseph J. Carideo, partner at Amrop Battalia Winston, in the April Exceptional Thinking Forum conducted by Canaan Ridge. Their insights came in response to the Exceptional Thinking question: “Is it important to solicit constituent (clients, candidates, placements and colleagues) feedback? Yes or No – and Why?” Their responses can be viewed online at “At Canaan Ridge, we know that exceptional search consultants possess a wealth of knowledge about what it takes to succeed in this industry. To capture and share some of this knowledge and expertise, we began a regular forum in late 2009 called the Exceptional Thinking Forum,” said Bob Benson, founder of Canaan Ridge. “Over the past several months, we have received myriad responses to our questions and have seen a lot of great thinking in the industry.”