Towers Watson Study Shows Increased Hiring in 2010
January 31, 2010 – The U.S. employment picture looks mixed at best in 2010, with hiring picking up at a majority of U.S. organizations even as some plan to continue making targeted workforce reductions, according to a new survey by Towers Watson, a global professional services company. The survey, which is based on responses from 118 mostly large employers in the U.S. and 459 employers globally, did find signs of optimism, especially predictions that employee productivity and engagement will improve over the next year. It also found that 92 percent of respondents plan to hire in 2010. “Without question, the last 18 months have been challenging for employers and employees alike, and while there are signs of improvement, it's clear we're not going back to 'business as usual' anytime soon,” said Laura Sejen, global rewards practice leader at Towers Watson.