Spencer Stuart and WomenCorporateDirectors Ink Partnership

February 11, 2014 – Executive search firm Spencer Stuart and WomenCorporateDirectors (WCD) have formed a new partnership for North America – creating an alliance to serve board members and advance best practices in corporate governance. WCD is a group of 2,500+ directors serving on more than 3,500 boards with 60 chapters on six continents. Spencer Stuart will work with WCD in North America launching new chapters and sharing its boardroom expertise at chapter events and the Global Institute. "The power of this partnership is in working together to achieve a common objective: helping to build the best boards possible," said Julie Hembrock Daum, head of Spencer Stuart's North American board practice and a member of the firm's own board. "By connecting companies with the highest-performing directors, and ensuring that directors get the information and insights they need to serve, Spencer Stuart and WCD are truly raising the game in corporate governance.” Spencer Stuart is an executive search firm with 55 offices in 30 countries.

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