Ken Ackerman

Senior Vice President & Senior Advisor

Ken Ackerman

Ken Ackerman is Area Senior Vice President & Senior Advisor of Integrated Healthcare Strategies, a division of Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc.  Mr. Ackerman brings a distinguished career in healthcare administration that encompasses management of hospital-based multi-specialty medical group practices and acute care facilities as well as executive-level involvement in the nation’s largest rural health care system, Geisinger Health System in Pennsylvania, where he served as president of Geisinger Medical Center.

More recently, he served as president of Gallagher Integrated and prior to that appointment he was Vice President of McManis Associates, Inc., prominent national consultants to the healthcare industry in Washington D.C.

Mr. Ackerman is an acknowledged expert on board governance, executive and physician compensation, and issues involving governance of integrated delivery systems and medical group practices.  His work also includes leadership continuity planning and leadership transition planning.  Mr. Ackerman brings extensive experience working with boards to improve governance performance.

Prior to his role as Area Senior Vice President & Senior Advisor of Gallagher Integrated, Ken served seven years as President and CEO of the company.

Mr. Ackerman obtained his Bachelor’s Degree from Denison University, and received his Master’s degree in Health Care Administration from the University of Michigan.  He is the author of over 50 articles published in healthcare journals and is the co-author of two books on integrated delivery systems.

Currently, Mr. Ackerman serves on the following boards: 1800doctors; Eli Lily National Board of Advisors; Geisinger – Keystone Accountable Care Organization; Good Samaritan Mission; Health Insights; Uniphy Health.

National awards include ACHE’s 1975 Outstanding Young Health Care Executive of the Year; the Harry J. Harwick Award for outstanding lifetime contributions to health care; the Edward B. Stevens Article of the Year award from the ACMPE; Duke University’s National Award of Merit; and the American Medical Group Association’s Administrator of the Year award.  Mr. Ackerman has achieved Fellow status with both the American College of Healthcare Executives and the American College of Medical Practice Executives.