Monster Employment Index Europte Grows 14 Percent

November 6, 2011 – The Monster Employment Index Europe, a monthly analysis of millions of online job opportunities culled from a large, representative selection of corporate career sites and job boards, posted year-over-year growth of 14 percent, with eased annual growth rates compared to August and September. Engineering continued to lead all industries by rate of annual growth and was closely followed by transport, post and logistics and production, manufacturing, maintenance, repair. Healthcare and social work registered a swing to negative annual growth for the first time in the history of the Index while public sector, defense and community continued to have the steepest reduction. “With the MEI continuing to exhibit strong demand for engineering, there is a clear opportunity for workers within this sector, as well as across transport and production where these industries continue to support positive annual growth in recruitment,” said Alan Townsend, VP of sales readiness and business operations for Monster Europe. “However, the muted growth of many European economies is clearly affecting employers’ hiring decisions with generally eased growth across industries that usually experience pick-up following the quieter summer months.”

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