Hunt Scanlon Media has been publishing industry studies for 30 years including our Talent Leadership Reports, which have become standard reading material for executive recruiters and their corporate talent acquisition counterparts. Our expert market intelligence and thought leadership reports cover a number of topics, including the annual state of the industry, private equity recruiting best practices, trends in talent acquisition, and a ground breaking look at the impact of DE&I on the global talent sector.

Our talent leadership reports currently have a controlled distribution of 61,500. Corporate talent acquisition professionals make up 72 percent of that subscriber base. They represent a highly diverse set of sectors specializations, including financial services (22 percent), healthcare/life sciences (20 percent), consumer products (16 percent), industrial (14 percent), non-profit/academia (13 percent) and professional services (11 percent).

Hunt Scanlon works closely with talent leadership providers across all of our digital media and print platforms to help them reach our primary audience, from strategically placed ads and sponsored content to multimedia platforms that include videos and podcasts. Let us help push your brand forward to the decision-makers that matter most to you.

For those who are interested in learning more about branding opportunities at Hunt Scanlon Media please contact Erik Boender at (203) 321-5115 or by email at: