Manpower Forms Alliance with Microsoft
March 18, 2011 – Manpower Inc. and Microsoft, a producer of software and software development systems, have formed an alliance to help people in the Middle East and Africa find employment opportunities. Microsoft and Manpower are working with other partners to develop a training curriculum for young entrepreneurs that include leading-edge technical, organizational, and business development skills. In addition, they will participate jointly in training, mentoring, career guidance, work-preparation, job-linkage, and entrepreneurship projects for youth, first in the region and then across the globe. “The rising rates of unemployment among young people are deeply disturbing, and this generation is at risk of becoming the new long-term unemployed,” said David Arkless, Manpower president of corporate and government affairs. “Corporations have a moral obligation to foster innovation among young people, not just from a social responsibility standpoint, but because in the human age, it will be the source of that innovation, passion and creativity — human potential itself — that will be the catalyst for change and the global driving force economically, politically and socially.”