
In the past, not-for-profit and public policy organizations were run in a fairly relaxed manner. Senior executives worked diligently toward their chosen cause, but were not held as accountable as their peers in the for-profit world. All that has changed. Looking to form a stronger voice to shape policy, these organizations are now operating more like businesses. They are implementing best practices and tightening their management and governance structures. To further increase their effectiveness, nonprofits are also looking to import exceptional talent from outside their universe. Significant challenges accompany this new initiative, however. Lacking equity and the types of compensation packages common in the business world, organizations have to work harder to attract the individuals who can make a real difference. But they have to be careful to attract the right individuals—ones with inherent nonprofit “DNA” who can survive the culture shock of the transition and thrive over the long haul. At Lochlin Partners, we are intimately familiar with association and not-for-profit organizations and the challenges they face every day. Our partners have founded charities, are active in public service, and currently sit on the boards of local and national foundations. We are especially well qualified to identify that unique person to fit your organization’s needs. Typical positions where we’ve placed executives include in nonprofits and associations include: - CEO / President - Chief Communications Officer - Chief Financial Officer - Chief Government Affairs Officer - Chief Human Resources Officer

Practice members

Patrick Friel Managing Partner Bio
Vickie Moore Client Partner Bio
Deborah Schonberger Client Partner Bio