Penrhyn has established special relationships with the major companies in the FMCG market and keeps an eye witness of the evolution that impacts the sector. Their strategic power has become more international and concentrated, which has led to significant changes in the clients’ needs: we are now searching for top marketing and development profiles globally, while business and operational profiles remain local. The same trends exist in the Luxury sector, with a substantial growth boosted by the Asian and Russian markets. Penrhyn has developed an extensive expertise in Wine and Spirits,
Jewellry and Fashion/Leather, where we have built top management teams for the world’s leading groups. Our search engagements build leadership teams within the infrastructures and close to the field, including marketing, sales, supply chain and finance — covering the entire spectrum of corporate development. With new consumption habits in the digital era, traditional Retail has undergone deep transformations; new players have emerged in eCommerce, along with new skills required. Our combined expertise in Digital/High Technology AND Retail has driven Penrhyn to become a leader in helping companies both transition to and establish new eCommerce business units.
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