Human Capital Institute Partners with OnStream Media
August 24, 2010 – The Human Capital Institute (HCI) and Onstream Media Corporation have signed a MarketPlace365 promoter agreement to develop a comprehensive marketplace covering five communities of interest in the human resource industry. The new HCI marketplace will consist of their five established communities of interest, existing conferences and events, all interlinked in a campus-style online environment. “Onstream Media's MarketPlace365 solution fits perfectly into our vision of the 21st century, 'always open' conference by combining search engine optimization, social media networking, content marketing, videos, instant messaging and monetization strategies into an integrated platform that enables HCI to extend the value of its knowledge base, while at the same time, enabling our members to share best practices and additional points-of-view from academia, government and industry in new and exciting ways,” said Mike Foster, president of Human Capital Institute. HCI is a strategic talent management network, consisting of over 175,000 members worldwide, and is growing at over 2,000 members per month.