Hiring Demand Strong in China and India
May 2, 2011 – China and India are among the best places for job hunters to seek employment, according to the new Asia Employment Report from Going Global, a provider of country-specific employment information. Hiring expectations are more than twice as high as last year across all sectors in China, with most new jobs in the banking and financial services sector. The information technology sector is also booming with an increased demand for IT specialists. Hiring opportunities in China include production operators, technicians, management/executives, sales managers, sales representatives, restaurant and hotel staff, engineers and IT professionals. Employers in India are hiring in the engineering, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), manufacturing, hospitality, insurance and IT fields. Opportunities also exist for skilled trades, accounting and finance staff, doctors and other non-nursing health professionals in India. “If your dream is to work abroad, you should consider China and India,” said Mary Anne Thompson, founder of Going Global. “An international job experience not only looks good on the resume but it can also be a stepping stone to future job opportunities.”