HireRight Releases Criminal Search Tool
April 20, 2011 – HireRight, a global provider of on-demand employment screening solutions, has released Widescreen Plus, a U.S. national criminal search covering hundreds of millions of records from multiple public record data repositories. Widescreen Plus is offered as a supplemental search to other HireRight criminal background searches, and it examines records from a combination of repositories, including county courts and sex offender registries, state and federal databases, and other criminal records sources. “Our goal was to develop the broadest and deepest national criminal search available, while ensuring the highest quality information was provided to employers,” said Rob Pickell, senior vice president of customer solutions, HireRight. “Widescreen Plus delivers to employers a cost effective way to extend the scope of their search for potential criminal information while providing a greater level of protection for both the employer and the candidate by enabling a more accurate view of criminal activity, contributing to a safer workplace.”