Global Senior Executives Predict Rebound in Early 2010
September 17, 2009 – Results from a recent poll of global senior executive members of BlueSteps revealed that 48 percent expect the economy to rebound in the first half of 2010. Only 25 percent of those surveyed believe a recovery will occur in the second half of 2009, with 27 percent not expecting a recovery until the second half of 2010 or later. Seventy-two percent of BlueSteps’ members responding to the poll reported having a neutral to positive outlook for the senior executive job market for the next six months, which supports a recent survey by The Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC) where 64 percent of executive search consultants reported the same. “As economists are announcing that the recession might be over, we are already seeing an increased optimism from both senior executives and search consultants worldwide,” said Della Giles, director of BlueSteps. This poll of BlueSteps members received 271 responses; 65 percent from the Americas, 22 percent from Europe and Africa, and 13 percent from Asia Pacific and the Middle East. BlueSteps is the career management service for senior executives provided by the Association of Executive Search Consultants (AESC).