Index Drops in May
June 1, 2012 – The Employment Index, which measures managerial recruitment activity online, dropped slightly by 3.8 points in May, following a sharp decrease in April. The May 2012 Index lost some ground over the past two months as it struggles to recover to its all-time high of 116.9 reached in March 2012. Several cities had increased hiring this month: Riverside (+16 percent), Denver (+11 percent), and Dallas (+10 percent) saw double digit increases. Other cities showing sizable gains were Tampa (+nine percent), Boston (+eight percent), Phoenix (+eight percent), and Memphis (+eight percent). “We are pleased to see respectable gains in so many cities in May,” said Jay Martin, COO, JobSerf. “Dallas and Houston both saw increases in managerial hiring this month, which dovetails with the state’s dropping unemployment rate.”