Antal Russia Names New Managing Director

November 19, 2009 – Antal, a provider of professional recruitment services in Russia, has named Michael Germershausen as its new managing director. Antal Russia is part of the global recruitment consultancy FiveTen Group. “In Antal in Moscow, we have a great brand, outstanding people and high morale within the business. But as well as recognizing Michael's outstanding performance, this promotion also allows us to spearhead our plans for growth in the region, whilst continuing to have a leading role in Antal Russia,” said John Rose, CEO of FiveTen. Established in 2006, and backed by the private equity fund, Bregal Capital, the FiveTen Group is a specialist recruitment business with significant operations in the U.K., Europe, the U.S., Russia and in the Asia-Pacific region. Its portfolio of recruitment brands include WH Marks Sattin, Greythorn, EMR and Ortus.

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