March 24, 2020 –
Within this unprecedented global crisis, our team @ Tri-Search is up and running (remotely) and putting together a full-court press on supporting businesses across the country who are on the frontlines fighting COVID-19. We have a nationwide staff of outstanding Executives, Recruiters and Researchers, who are mobilized and focused on helping you hire. We have announced that our owners are taking zero salary during this crisis so that we can offer significantly reduced fees to companies struggling to meet COVID-19 driven talent burdens.
Please let us know if you require high-volume hourly programs to increase capacity to meet COVID-19 demands. Our proprietary Customized Partnership Recruiting (CPR) Model provides quick fills from hourly, retail-level hires, up through management-placements. CPR is especially beneficial for community service-based organizations such as healthcare, cleaning, and sanitation services. For these and other growth industries such as food delivery, grocery, distribution, telecom and manufacturing, we are offering special crisis-management terms. Please inquire for more information.
We’re also volunteering our time within our communities to provide HR consulting to organizations struggling with personnel issues, specifically with remote working (both leadership and engagement) and outplacement. Finally, our Targeted Single Search approach to producing high-quality management placements, even in times of quick turnaround and crisis, continues to be second to none.
We are here to provide you with the high-level of partnership and support you need and for which we are known.
How can we help? Please let us know @
(516) 414-2003
With Support and Gratitude,
The Entire Team @ Tri-Search