Cherilyn Vossberg


Cherilyn Vossberg

Global industry leaders, startups and consultancies alike have benefitted from Cherilyn’s ability to quickly understand a business and discern how to rapidly integrate talent into that business to drive results. For 20 years, she has led HR, finance and business development in Europe, Africa and America.

Ms. Vossberg joins the firm fresh from the VP of Human Resources role at ZOLA Electric, a Netherlands-based solar tech startup. As head of the human capital function during the shift to a new business strategy, she guided the organization through two years of significant changes, leading everything from rightsizing employee and agent workforces across eight countries to establishing human capital processes and controls, instituting a lean structure, and clarifying roles.

Previously, as Head of Organizational Effectiveness at Maersk’s APM Terminals, Cher created a roadmap for the development of critical capabilities, delivered a global change program for strategic transformation, and led people analytics for the 20,000+ workforce. In a similar global role at Damco, she connected financial reporting with trusted people reporting and generated $8M in cost reductions by optimizing the leadership structure.

At the regional level with Damco, she led a multi-million dollar finance transformation that involved the migration of 150+ roles from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to an Indian service center. Earlier in her career, Cher, as Finance Manager of Hudd Distribution, supervised P&Ls for the American company’s East Coast warehousing facilities. As Africa Talent Manager at Maersk, she recruited and placed strategic hires in South Africa and remotely managed participants in the region’s Management Trainee Program. As Business Development Manager at One World, a Cape Townconsultancy addressing climate change issues in Africa, Cher developed proposals with the CEO and scientists for research projects and sustainable energy initiatives that build resilience. Cher holds a master’s degree in Sustainable Energy (University of Cape Town) and a Bachelor of Science in Decision Sciences and Finance (Miami University).