Aidan Connolly

Managing Director

Aidan Connolly

A global executive and entrepreneur who has been developing people for more than 30 years. Aidan knows the foundation of organizational success is rooted in having the right human capital strategy in place, and finding the right leaders, not just for now, but also for future organizational needs.

Aidan’s experience across the food-value chain brings clients a broad network and diverse global experience. Aidan brings each client a passion for consulting, and helping organizations develop the right search strategy, and assess candidates for the right cultural fit and future organizational growth.

Aidan is a visiting Professor on Agri MBA programs at UCD (Ireland), Purdue University (US), and China Agriculture University (Beijing). He has worked in over 100 countries and speaks five languages. He has worked across the private sector, as well as in political associations, with state and national governments in the US, China, Europe and Brazil, and international organizations such as the European Union and the United Nations. Aidan also contributes to a wide range of publications in agriculture and business, including Forbes.