ExecSearches.com‘s job board has been serving the non-profit, government, education and health sectors since 1999. Our goal is to be the most efficient, online source for connecting mission and talent. The largest and the smallest of non-profit and government employers use ExecSearches.com to fill executive, mid-level and fundraising positions.
We are a leading online talent source with more than 87,000 active members in our Member Registry. Our website receives thousands of daily visits from potential candidates who are experienced and mission-driven. Job postings start at $99 and there are never any additional fees when a job is filled through us. The site is entirely free and confidential for job seekers.
In a word: confidentiality. Members create a profile and their information is held in confidence. We proactively communicate with our membership when a need for their talent exists. In this way, ideally suited talent is able to respond to the need, either directly or through referral of a colleague. Membership is free.
Mission-driven individuals are encouraged to become members to keep abreast of important needs they or a colleague might fill. All members are matched against all open positions every 24 hours. Simply stated, we match the right member(s) with the right role(s) in a confidential environment that works in the best interests of both our members and our clients.
By posting your job announcements one time, in one place, on ExecSearches.com, your positions gain exposure far beyond the services of our main site! First, all jobs on ExecSearches.com are also on our companion site, NonProfit-Jobs.org.
Further, our positions are available on Google Jobs, ZipRecruiter, Twitter and Facebook. This added exposure on a wide variety of internet sources from your one-time posting on ExecSearches.com drives targeted traffic to your job announcement. One time. One stop.
Employers and recruiters provide job details through our job posting page which is accessed after creating a new account. When a job opening is posted, employers are asked to identify job function(s), non-profit sub-sector(s), geographic region(s) and to input key words related to the position. These parameters are matched daily against our Member Registry using execSearches.com’s proprietary software and algorithms. Suitable candidates receive a confidential email alerting them to the opening. Candidates respond directly to employers/recruiters per the instructions in the posting. For added exposure, all postings also appear on nonprofit-jobs.org and in our member newsletter.
In the fabric of our society and global economy, non-profit organizations have long been the stitching that binds community care and human altruism. However, in 2024, a new report from ExecSearches.com’s F. Jay Hall says that as dynamic shifts continue to alter the socio-economic landscape, the non-profit sector finds itself at a pivotal juncture, brimming
Have you ever heard of a Boolean search? It’s a powerful tool hiring managers use to sift through many resumes and find the most qualified candidates for open jobs. And to be sure that your resume makes it through this search and in front of a human being, it’s crucial to understand the importance of
The remote job market has significantly impacted the disabled community’s ability to re-enter the workforce. The record high 21.3 percent employment rate for Americans with disabilities in 2022 was primarily driven by remote work opportunities, which were more accessible than traditional office work to those with physical or mental disabilities, according to a recent report
First-time applications for unemployment benefits rose last week to 196,000, a slightly higher total than the 190,000 that economists were expecting — but still a historically low number. Despite widely publicized layoffs from tech giants, media companies and the financial sector in recent weeks, the U.S. labor market remains robust after eight rate hikes in 11
ExecSearches.com, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based recruitment and staffing organization (with offices in Dallas, TX, New York, NY, Raleigh, NC, Washington DC, and San Diego, CA) focused on the non-profit sector, announced that former Client Relations Consultant, Richard Morrison, has been appointed Director of Research & Client Relations. “It has been an incredible journey ExecSearches.com has
June sits at the middle of the year. It marks the halfway point of our annual trek through life. It is also the month of Juneteenth, the celebration of African American emancipation, and Pride Month, celebrating LGBTQ+ pride. Given its history and the events that are honored, June has become an important marker for those
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