Strategic Players In the C-Suite
This podcast episode features a short Q&A with Tom Christopher, co-founder and CEO of The Christopher Group, one of the nation’s leading executive search firms specializing in the human resources field. Tom has close to three decades of experience in HR and executive recruiting. He is an organizational consultant who takes the search for HR leadership one step further by assisting clients in leadership strategy, assessment, comp & benefits benchmarking and managing executive transitions. That work all happens at the VP, SVP and CHRO level.
For all the value that those who occupy the chief human resource officer (CHRO) seat have brought to their companies over the years, it is only now that the role has begun to claim the fullest respect and attention of top leadership. And as a result, the hunt for top flight CHROs has never been as competitive as it is right now. To address this talent need, Tom Christopher is now leveraging his knowledge and his vast network of connections as he helps to reshape the HR landscape at leading companies around the country. “HR leaders,” as Tom points out in this informative podcast, “are now integral ‘business strategy’ players in the C-suite.” And that, he said, makes the hunt for seasoned human resource talent one of the top leadership priorities at American companies today.