Can you influence exiting employees to bolster your employment brand?
As job seekers search for companies they would love to work for, social media platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn are giving them easy access to former employees’ candid opinions of their employers. At the same time, former employees seem to be increasingly comfortable sharing their impressions.
This gives your prospective employees, customers, investors and business partners unprecedented insight into everything from your company’s culture to its leadership style, work environment, products and services, and even HR processes. It also leaves your employment brand more vulnerable than ever.
Unfortunately, little research has been conducted on the influence that exiting employees can have, as well as what companies can do to turn former employees into brand ambassadors and advocates. To help fill this gap, Mullin International, a leading Outplacement firm, and Hunt Scanlon Media, a leading provider of strategic HR information, are partnering on a study focusing on HR executives’ opinions. We’d like your input.
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About Mullin International
Mullin International is the global leader in Outplacement and Redeployment solutions. Their commitment to improving the Outplacement experience for impacted employees and delivering measurable results through real-time data for their clients has kept Mullin International at the leading edge of our industry and has helped them become the largest privately owned outplacement firm in the world.
Unlike single solution providers, Mullin International takes a multi-touch approach to Outplacement and Redeployment They have successfully interwoven our experience, proprietary technology, and the human component into a proven process that results in helping candidates find jobs faster.