Robbie Ropella


Robbie Ropella

Robbie Ropella started as a recruiter eleven years ago, and has since grown into the President of Executive Search for the Ropella Group. During the economic recession when hiring was frozen, she marketed top talent to her key clients and helped companies upgrade their talent pool.

As the economy eventually turned around, Robbie built out her executive search team, experiencing great success achieving double digit growth for the past three years. Robbie now enjoys travelling the globe with her husband, Patrick Ropella, attending conferences and tradeshows.

She is the face of the Ropella Group at these events with a natural passion for building and cultivating relationships. Robbie’s driving force is the satisfaction that comes from finding a perfect match for her clients and helping them grow their great companies. Her leadership style can be described as being a servant leader, always ready to lend a hand and jump into the trenches with her front-line team.

As for management style, she teaches problem solving and critical thinking. In her spare time, she is involved in numerous local, regional and global charities, along with many professional affiliations.

Robbie is grandmother of three and enjoys martial arts, jet skiing, wallyball, golf, kayaking and almost anything sports related.