Doug is an industry professional with more than twenty years of experience. He has managed searches for several high-profile clients and completed board level and C-suite searches. Doug has also led technical, engineering and commercial development build-outs.
He has a strong energy background and led successful searches in all sectors of renewable energy & sustainability, including bio-based chemicals & fuels, solar, wind, water, waste-to-energy, battery technologies and advanced materials. Doug has also completed assignments with the energy investment community, from the leading VC and PE firm to the investment arms of Fortune 500 companies and leading investment banks.
Doug has also been involved with assignments from advanced technologies from MIT, Cal Tech, UC Berkeley, and Carnegie Mellon, as well as the national lab network including the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Los Alamos, Argonne, Pacific Northwest and Battelle Labs.
He is also a co-founder and board member of both the Renewable Energy Business Network (REBN), Mid Atlantic and the CleanTech Alliance Mid Atlantic. He supports the Energy Advisory Committee of the Ben Franklin Technology Partners and the Mid-Atlantic Diamond Ventures of the Fox Business School at Temple University.