Employer Study: Off-Boarding Metrics

Does the way employees are off-boarded really matter? Does it affect your brand image among prospective employees, or your current employees’ willingness to stay and to recommend your company as an employer or supplier?

We’d Like Your Point of View

This is the final survey in the series that Mullin International, a leading Outplacement firm, and Hunt Scanlon Media, a leading provider of strategic HR information, are conducting. Our objective is to understand the influence that exiting employees can have on a company’s brand, how off-boarding affects brand image, and what companies can do to turn former employees into brand ambassadors and advocates.

In earlier surveys, we learned that management’s concerns about off-boarding have escalated, and respondents see that off-boarded employees’ impressions of companies are affected not only by the way they are treated, but by the presence of severance, outplacement services, and other factors.

Our survey data also revealed that companies’ investments in off-boarding have been creeping up slowly and that more companies are expanding rather than contracting in the use of severance and outplacement services.

Our current and final survey focuses on the metrics companies use to manage the outplacement process. In exchange for your participation, we will send you the full report in October.

Thank you – The Mullin International/Hunt Scanlon Research Team.

Your Role:
 Leader of a functional HR area 
 HR business partner or generalist 
 Other HR (e.g., specialist, project manager) 
 Other non-HR 
Company Size:
 0-100 employees 
 100-1,000 employees 
 1,001-10,000 employees 
 Over 10,000 employees 
How does your company maintain awareness of how off-boarded employees generally view your company?
 Exit interviews/surveys  
 Feedback on social media platforms such as Glassdoor/Linkedin 
 Informal feedback from employees  
 Not collected 
Does your company monitor off-boarded employees’ comments and ratings posted on social media platforms such as Glassdoor/LinkedIn?
 To a great extent 
 To a moderate extent 
 Not at all 
Has the growth of social media platforms such as Glassdoor/LinkedIn changed your company’s use of exit interviews or exit surveys?
 Yes, we increased exit interviews/exit surveys 
 Yes, we decreased exit interviews/exit surveys 
 No impact 
Do you have metrics in place to monitor the quality of your off-boarding process?
If yes, prioritize the stakeholder groups below that you are most focused on with your metrics. (Rank 1-6)
Please rank 1-6
Current employees

Please rank 1-6
Off-boarded employees

Please rank 1-6
Potential employees

Please rank 1-6

Please rank 1-6

Please rank 1-6


If yes, which metrics do you currently use? (Select all that apply)
 Company rating  
 CEO approval  
 Employee reviews  
 Employee demographics  
 Ratings trends (Culture & Values, Work/Life Balance, Compensation & Benefits, Growth/Career Opportunities)  
 Business outlook and recommendations 
Sign up here to receive details and updates on our findings.

About Mullin International
Mullin International is the global leader in Outplacement and Redeployment solutions. Their commitment to improving the Outplacement experience for impacted employees and delivering measurable results through real-time data for their clients has kept Mullin International at the leading edge of their industry and has helped them become the largest privately owned outplacement firm in the world.

Unlike single solution providers, Mullin International takes a multi-touch approach to Outplacement and Redeployment. They have successfully interwoven their experience, proprietary technology, and the human component into a proven process that results in helping candidates find jobs faster.